You’re the greatest gift of all, without a doubt. Yet you don’t want to show up to your family dinners and friend gatherings empty-handed. You can’t go wrong with a bottle of gin.
I’m not in the habit of tooting my own horn too much, but have you seen my bottles? They’re gorgeous, right? The way the outside stimulates your sight and touch, the contents stimulate your taste and smell. That leaves sound, but I’m sure you will find an appropriate record to arouse your ears while making, serving and drinking your favourite Christmas cocktails.
So who of your loved ones deserves a wing crafted, vanilla infused, rebellious spirit? Or maybe a whole flock of it? Nothing beats spending the holidays with family and your best friends, celebrating your togetherness one bottle at a time. I would love nothing more than being your party starter. The fuel to your family dinner. The unexpected gift for that one friend who understands you best.
Fly to my shop to get your bottle(s) of vanilla infused Sir Edmond Gin.